Monday, April 25, 2011

Selecting a Spouse, Arrogance, Pride and Piety

In this post, I present to you a wonderful story about the marriage of one of our beloved prophet’s companions.  This story has within it multiple moral lessons, and requires careful reading and understanding.  This story is narrated by our Imam Abu Ja’far, peace be upon him, and it touches upon issues such as prejudice, racism, tribalism, arrogance, pride, piety and selecting a spouse for our children.
            This tradition is very relevant to our contemporary societies and cultures and the conditions that parents set for selecting their children’s spouses.  It helps us notice that unfortunately even nowadays, engraved within many of us, is the tribal thinking from the age of ignorance, before the advent of Islam.  Many, if not most families, still value prestige, social status, beauty and wealth more, if not much more, than one’s piety and righteousness when contemplating about their children’s future spouses.  Our thoughts and values, with regards to selecting a spouse for our children, seem to have regressed back to the age of ignorance, and most of us don’t even recognize its deviant nature.   Many, if not most, of us seem to blindly follow cultural traditions and conditions in terms of marriage and selecting a spouse, and we then wonder, why there are many unsuccessful and unhappy marriages within our cultures and societies.   One of the main reasons is that, we have put the importance of piety on the backseat, and everything else seems to precede and override the spouse’s piety. 

            Let us read the following authentic tradition about marriage and finding a spouse, and then let us contemplate about what we do and what we think about when it comes to selecting a spouse for our children.  Let us not forget that selecting the right spouse for our children is the first step towards helping them have a successful and a happy marriage.

                Note: Since this is a long tradition, I will only post the English translation of it, if you would like either the Arabic text or the Farsi translation, please leave a comment and I will send them to you.

            Without any further ado, here’s a beautiful tradition from Imam Abu Ja’far, peace be upon him.

Narrated by Mohamed Ibn Yehya from Ahmed Ibn Mohamed Ibn Eissa from Al-Hassan Ibn Mahboub from Malek Ibn Attiya from Abu Hamza Al-Thamaly who said:
I was at the home of Abu Ja’far (peace be upon him) when a man arrived and asked his permission to enter. Upon receiving permission, the man entered and presented his greetings. Abu Ja’far welcomed him and asked the purpose of his visit. The man said:
“May God bless you; I offered a proposal of marriage to so-and-so Ibn Abu Rafei’ for his daughter so-and-so. He turned me away, scorned me and treated me with contempt because of my ugliness, poverty and foreignness. The derogatory attack has greatly disheartened me and made me long for death.”
Abu Ja’afar (peace be upon him) said:
“Go to him as my herald and tell him: Mohamed Ibn Ali Ibn Al-Hussein Ibn Ali Ibn Abu Taleb (peace be upon him)  Asks you to permit the marriage Monjeh Ibn Rabah to your daughter so-and-so and do not reject him.” 

The man leaped up with joy and raced to deliver Abu Ja’far’s message. When he had gone Abu Ja’far narrated:
A man from Al-Yamama called Jubair came to the messenger of Allah (peace and blessings upon him) seeking to embrace Islam. He embraced Islam and became a good Muslim. He was a short man, ugly, poor and destitute and was from the distant land of Sudan. The messenger of Allah embraced him to alleviate his alienation and poverty; he would send food to him, dried dates by the kilo and he clothed him with two robes and instructed him to reside in the mosque and sleep there at night. Thus he remained by the grace of God, until the numbers of poverty-stricken foreigners embracing Islam grew and the mosque became too crowded.

Allah the Most Exalted revealed to His prophet (peace and blessings be upon him): “Cleanse your mosque and send out from it those who sleep there at night. Block the doors of all who have doors into your mosque except the door of Ali and the door to Fatima’s (peace be upon them) house. Let no stranger lodge or sleep therein.”
The Prophet blocked all the doors except the door of Ali and instructed that Fatima’s house remain as it is. The prophet then instructed a shelter to be built and ordered the poor and needy to reside there by both day and night, and there they gathered. The prophet of Allah would give them charity; dates, barley and raisins when he had them. The Muslims were charitable to them, emulating the kindness of the Prophet (PBUH) and give them alms.

The prophet looked at Jubair one day with compassion and love and said, “O Jubair, should you not marry a woman to safeguard your virtue and be a helpmate to you in this world and the hereafter?”
Jubair said to him, “O Prophet of Allah, [upon] my father and mother, who would have me? By Allah, I have no lineage, name, wealth nor beauty. What woman would want me?”
The Prophet said to him, “Jubair, with Islam, Allah has made those lowly who were noblemen in the age of ignorance, and elevated those who were inferior. Islam has renounced the arrogance and pride of the age of ignorance, the arrogance of tribalism and lineage. Today, all people, white, black, Quraishi, Arab and Ajamy are from Adam and Adam was created by Allah from clay. The most beloved by Allah the Exalted on the day of judgment are those most obedient to Him and the most pious. I know of no Muslim better than you, nor more pious or obedient to Allah.”
He then said to him, “Go to Ziyad Ibn Lubaid for he is the most noble of lineage amongst Bani Bayada and say to him, ‘I am the herald of the messenger of Allah. He instructs you to marry Jubair to your daughter Alzhulfaa.’”

Jubair set out with the Prophet’s message to Ziyad Ibn Lubaid at his home, where he was in the company of some men from his tribe. He requested permission to enter and was granted it. He entered and greeted him upon which he said, “O Zubeid Ibn Lubeid, The messenger of Allah sends me to you as his herald with a request. Shall I reveal it or remain silent?”

Ziyad said, “Reveal it for it is an honor and privilege to me.” Jubair said, “The Prophet says to you, give your daughter Alzhulfaa to Jubair in marriage.” Ziyad said,  “The prophet has sent you with this?” He said, “Yes, for I would not lie about the messenger of Allah.” Ziyad said, “We give our daughters in marriage only to the best amongst us of the Ansar. Depart, Jubair, and I will go to the Prophet and inform him of my reason.”

Jubair departed saying, “By Allah, not for this was the Quran revealed nor the prophethood of Mohammed (pbuh).” Alzhulfaa heard his utterance in her seclusion and sent for her father to come to her. When he came to her she said,
“What is this I heard you saying to Jubair?” He said, “He informed me that the messenger of Allah sent him, telling me ‘Give your daughter Alzhulfaa to Jubair in marriage.’”
She said to him, “By Allah, Jubair would not lie about the messenger of Allah. Send a herald to bring back Jubair.” Ziyad sent a herald who brought back Jubair. Ziyad said to him, “Welcome to you. Rest assured; I will return shortly.” 

Ziyad set off to see the Prophet (pbuh) and said to him, “Upon my father and mother, Jubair came to me with your message, saying, ‘the messenger of Allah instructs you to give you daughter Alzhulfaa in marriage to Jubair.’ I gave him not my consent and came to see you, for we do not give our daughters in marriage except to the best amongst us.” The Prophet said to him, “O Ziyad, Jubair is a believer; a believing man is best for a believing woman and a Muslim man is best for a Muslim woman. Give him consent to marry and do not reject him.” Ziyad returned to his home, went to his daughter and informed her what he had heard from the Prophet. She said “If you disobey the messenger of Allah you would be a disbeliever. Give me in marriage to Jubair.”

Thus he went out, took Jubair’s hand, brought him before his people and gave him in marriage according to the law of Allah and His prophet and pledged a dowry. Ziyad prepared for her marriage and his people gave her wedding gifts; they sent for Jubair and said, “Have you a house that we may bring her to you?” He said, “By Allah I have no house” And so they prepared a house for her with a bed and furnishings and provided Jubair with two new robes.
Alzhulfaa was taken to her home and Jubair was brought in blindfolded. Upon seeing her and noticing  the house, furnishings and fragrant scent, he moved to a corner of the house and proceeded to recite the Quran, kneeling and prostrating until dawn. Upon hearing the call to prayer he went out. His wife performed ablutions and accompanied him to attend the morning prayers. She was asked, “Has he touched you?” She responded, “He continued to recite the Quran, kneeling and prostrating until he heard the call to prayer and went out.” The next night he did the same and they hid this from Ziyad.

Upon his doing the same on the third night, her father was informed. He went to the Prophet (pbuh) and said, “O messenger of Allah, you ordered me to give my daughter to Jubair when he was not of our people and I did so out of obedience for you.” The Prophet said, What has displeased you about him?” He said, “We prepared a home and furnishings for him. I took my daughter to that home and he was led inside blindfolded. He spoke not to her nor did he approach her, but went into a corner and proceeded to recite the Quran, kneeling and prostrating until he heard the call to prayer and went out. He did the same on the second and third night. He has not touched nor spoken to her until this moment. We think he is not inclined to women, so resolve this affair.”
The prophet sent for Jubair and said to him, “You do not have a passion for women?” Jubair said, Meaning am I not virile? Verily, I have a great lust for women.” The prophet said, “I have been informed the contrary of how you describe yourself. I have been told that a house was prepared for you, with a bed and furnishings in which a pretty, scented girl awaited you. You were taken inside blindfolded. You looked not at her nor did you speak or approach her; what is amiss with you?”

Jubair said, O messenger of Allah, I entered a spacious house; I saw a bed, furnishings and a lovely scented girl. I remembered my situation and my alienation, my poverty and lowly station amongst the poor and needy. Upon seeing how Allah has favoured me I desired to thank Him for His blessings and express my deep gratitude. I went to the side of the house and proceeded to pray and recite the Quran, kneeling and prostrating myself in thanks to Allah until I heard the call to prayer. I decided to fast that day in thanks, and continued to fast for three days in gratitude for what Allah has given me; but I shall satisfy her and them tonight, by the will of Allah.”  The prophet sent for Ziyad and informed him what he had heard, and this found favour with them, and Jubair kept his word.
At a later time, the Prophet went out to battle accompanied by Jubair who was martyred, may Allah have mercy on him, and Al-Ansar knew no bigger loss amongst them after Jubair.

Al-Kafi, Volume 5, Page 339, Tradition #1

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Treatment of Parents

This post should not be a new or a surprising issue to anyone and it certainly should not be a new issue to practicing Muslims.  This post is about respecting and treating your parents properly.  It should be known that disrespecting parents is one of the greater sins.  God willing, soon, I will make a post with a list of greater sins according to an acceptable tradition from our Imam, peace be upon him, which includes disrespecting parents.  However, in this post, I will focus on the very dire consequences of not respecting one's parents properly.  

I hope that all of those who read this post, do already respect their parents thoroughly, and this is a mere reminder for them.  However, if, currently, you are having certain difficulties with your parents, which in turn lessens your respect for them, please use these traditions as motivation to repair and rebuild your respectful relationship with your parents.

I would like to remind all of us, one more time, and emphasize that disrespecting parents is amongst the greater sins.

All of the traditions in this post are acceptable traditions, two of them are graded as good and one of them is graded as authentic.

2) Good

Arabic Text:

عَلِيُّ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ الْمُغِيرَةِ عَنْ أَبِي الْحَسَنِ ع قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ ص كُنْ بَارّاً وَ اقْتَصِرْ عَلَى الْجَنَّةِ وَ إِنْ كُنْتَ عَاقّاً فَظّاً فَاقْتَصِرْ عَلَى النَّارِ
Farsi Translation:

رسول خدا (ص) فرمود:
نيك رفتار باش (با پدر و مادر) و در بهشت باش، و اگر عاق و جفا كار باشى، پس به دوزخ بساز.

English Translation:

Narrated by Ali Ibn Ibrahim from his father from Abdullah Ibn Al-Magheira from Abul Hassan (peace be upon him) who narrated, the Prophet said (peace be upon him) said:

“Be righteous [to your parents] and shorten your path to paradise. Be ill-mannered and disobedient, and you shall shorten your path to Hellfire.”

3) Authentic

Arabic Text:

أَبُو عَلِيٍّ الْأَشْعَرِيُّ عَنِ الْحَسَنِ بْنِ عَلِيٍّ الْكُوفِيِّ عَنْ عُبَيْسِ بْنِ هِشَامٍ عَنْ صَالِحٍ الْحَذَّاءِ عَنْ يَعْقُوبَ بْنِ شُعَيْبٍ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع قَالَ إِذَا كَانَ يَوْمُ الْقِيَامَةِ كُشِفَ غِطَاءٌ مِنْ أَغْطِيَةِ الْجَنَّةِ فَوَجَدَ رِيحَهَا مَنْ كَانَتْ لَهُ رُوحٌ مِنْ مَسِيرَةِ خَمْسِمِائَةِ عَامٍ إِلَّا صِنْفٌ وَاحِدٌ قُلْتُ مَنْ هُمْ قَالَ الْعَاقُّ لِوَالِدَيْهِ

Farsi Translation:

يعقوب بن شعيب گويد: حضرت صادق عليه السلام فرمود: چون روز قيامت شود، پرده از پرده‏هاى بهشت را كنار زنند، پس هر جاندارى بوى آن را از مسافت پانصد سال راه بشنود، جز يك دسته، عرضكردم: آنها كيانند؟ فرمود: عاق والدين خود.

English Translation:

Narrated by Abu Ali El-Sha’ery from Al-Hassan Ibn Ali El-Koufy from Obeid Ibn Hisham from Saleh El-Hedaa from Ya’koub Ibn Sho’eib from Abu Abdullah (peace be upon him) who said:

“On the day of judgement one layer of paradise shall be revealed. Its fragrance/scent shall be received [/found] from 500 years away by [all] those who have a spirit, except for one group.  I [Ya’koub] asked who that [group] was.  He [the Imam] said, “Whoever is disobedient to his parents.”

Al-Kafi, Volume 2, Page 348, Traditions #2 & #3

2) Good

Arabic Text:

عَلِيُّ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنِ ابْنِ مَحْبُوبٍ عَنْ إِسْحَاقَ بْنِ عَمَّارٍ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ أَبَا عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع يَقُولُ كَانَ أَبِي ع يَقُولُ نَعُوذُ بِاللَّهِ مِنَ الذُّنُوبِ الَّتِي تُعَجِّلُ الْفَنَاءَ وَ تُقَرِّبُ الْآجَالَ وَ تُخْلِي الدِّيَارَ وَ هِيَ قَطِيعَةُ الرَّحِمِ وَ الْعُقُوقُ وَ تَرْكُ الْبِرِّ
Farsi Translation:

اسحاق بن عمار گويد: شنيدم از حضرت صادق عليه السّلام كه ميفرمود: هميشه پدرم مي‏فرمود:
پناه مي ‏بريم بخدا از گناهانى كه در نابودى شتاب كنند و مرگ‏ها را نزديك سازند و خانه ‏ها را ويران كنند و آنها: قطع رحم، و آزردن و نافرمانى پدر و مادر، و واگذاردن احسان و نيكى است.

English Translation:

Narrated by Ali Ibn Ibrahim from his father from Ibn Mahboub from Ishaq Ibn Ammar who said, I heard Abu Abdullah (peace be upon him) say:
“My father (peace be upon him) said, we should seek God’s protection from sins that hasten our doom, hasten the ends of lives, and empty our dwellings. These are cutting the ties of the womb, and disobedience to parents, and leaving righteousness.”

Al-Kafi, Volume 2, Page 448, Traditions #2

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Asceticism and Being Wary in This World

When we wonder about asceticism, many of us may automatically and subconsciously think of self-harm or other extreme means to achieve salvation and atonement.  However, asceticism as it is taught in Islam is far from self-harm, and it is in harmony with the rest of balanced and moderate Islamic teachings with regard to this world and how we ought to treat it.

In this post I will present to you an authentic teaching from Imam Ali ibn Hussain, peace be upon him, with regard to asceticism and being wary of this world.

Since this tradition is long, I will only post the English translation of it.  If you would like to read the original Arabic text, or its Farsi translation, you could leave a comment with your e-mail, and I will post them to you.
Without any further ado, here’s what Imam Sajjad, peace be upon him, states about Asceticism [Zuhd].

Narrated by Mohamed Ibn Yehya from Ahmed Ibn Mohamed Ibn Eissa and Ali Ibn Ibrahim, from his father, narrated by all of them from Al-Hassan Ibn Mahboub from Malak Ibn Attiya from Abu Hamza who said:

I have heard of no one more ascetic than Ali Ibn Hussein (peace be upon him), except what I have heard about Ali Ibn Abu Talib (peace be upon him).” 

 Abu Hamza narrated: “When Imam Ali Ibn Al-Hussein (peace be upon him) spoke and preached about asceticism, he brought tears to the eyes of all who were present.”
Abu Hamza narrated, “I read a scroll on asceticism written by Ali Ibn Al-Hussein (peace be upon him). I copied it and brought it to Ali Ibn Al-Hussein. He recognized and confirmed the words. In it was written:

“In the name of Allah, the Compassionate, the Merciful. May Allah protect us and yourselves from the revenge of the unjust,  the evil of the envious ones and the cruelty of tyrants. O ye faithful, do not be beguiled by the tyrants and their followers, those who desire this life and prefer it and are infatuated with it; those who seek this life and its crumbling ruins, its mortal fragments which will soon become extinct. Beware of that against which Allah has warned you. Relinquish what Allah enjoins you to relinquish and do not incline to what is in this life with absolute inclination. 

He who takes this life as his abode and settlement, by Allah, you have before you proof and warning of its passing days and its upheavals and its manner of game with men. It elevates the indolent and drags down the honest and will drive flocks of people to hellfire. In this there is a moral and a trial and an injunction for the wary. 

The things that befall you by day and by night of grievous temptations, incidents of innovation and all manner of injustice; the trumpeters of the age, the prestige of dominion and the whispers of Satan that inhibit hearts from wakefulness and stupefy them against seeking guidance and the knowledge of the people of truth, except for the few whose hearts Allah has safeguarded. 

They heed not life’s changes and upheavals and the consequent damages of temptation, [except] only those whom God has safeguarded and guided to the path of rationality and the road of resolve; and they affirm that with asceticism. Thus they utilize reasoning and resort to patience and quickly become wary, abstain from the delights of the world and are hardened to its delights. They desire the paradise of the afterlife and strive for it. They await death, and not life with people who transgress. They see the world through new, enlightened eyes. They see the incidents of strife, the errors of innovation and the oppression of tyrant kings. 

[I swear] upon my life, you should look at past affairs of olden days, the accumulation of strife and [instead] engage in avoiding tempters, innovators, transgressors, and those who corrupt unjustly throughout the land; seek the protection of God and return to the obedience of God, who is the Most Worthy of obedience. Beware, beware before you fall into regret and anguish when you are brought before God and stand between His hands. By Allah, there is no disobedience of Allah by a people but that they are led to suffer [the consequences of their disobedience]; there is no people that have preferred this world to the afterlife but that have come to be ruined. Knowledge of God and striving in His name are harmonious. Whomsoever knows and fears God, this fear drives him to strive for His obedience. 

The people of knowledge and their followers are those who have known Allah, worked for Him and desired His closeness. Of these Allah has said, “It is the people of knowledge who fear Allah.”(35:28) Seek not the things of this world that would lead you to the disobedience of Allah. Work in this world with obedience to Him; make use of the days to strive for your salvation tomorrow from the punishment of Allah. For that is the better way to deter liability and to achieve salvation. Therefore, strive for the obedience of Allah and for what Allah has ordered to be obeyed above all else. Do not submit to the obedience of tyrants. Have obedience to Him and to your guardians [Ulil Amr] from amongst you. 

Know that you are the servants of God as we are. He will judge us and yourselves as the Best of judges. Verily He shall bring you before Him and question you; prepare your answers before you come before Him to be questioned and judged by the Lord of the worlds. On that day “No soul speaks but with His permission.” (11:105) Verily, on that day, God believes not the liar nor disbelieves the truthful, nor does He ignore the justified, and pardons only the justified. He has given evidence in the creation of prophets and guardians [Awsiya] after them. 

O servants of Allah, fear Him and hasten to reform yourselves and obey Allah and your leaders from amongst you; perhaps the remorseful may regret what they have neglected of their obligation to Allah; therefore “Seek forgiveness from Allah and repent to Him” for He accepts repentance and pardons sins and knows what you do.
Beware of befriending the disobedient and abetting the transgressors and taking as your companions those who are corrupt. Beware of their seduction and distance yourself from them. Know that he who disobeys the companions of Allah or embraces a religion other than the religion of Allah and follows not the decrees of the guardians [Wali] of Allah, will reside in hellfire that devours bodies that have lost their spirits [Arwah], wretched, for they are as dead souls who feel not the heat of the fire. Had they been alive they would be reluctant to face the fire. 

Take heed, O you who have eyes and be thankful to Allah for His guidance. Know that you will find none more powerful than Allah, for God and His prophet see your deeds and “before Him you shall be gathered.” Benefit from this sermon and emulate the behaviour of the righteous.

Al-Kafi, Volume 8, Page 14, Tradition #2

Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Weapon of Choice

What should be the most important weapon to take to war? Many people have and will give many different answers to this question.   Most people would be concerned with the quality of their weapons.  The range of the weapon’s force, the magnitude of its force, the precision of its effects and many other factors would be amongst the first thoughts that comes to people’s minds when they assess and select their weapons of choice to take to the front lines with them. 

It is important to keep in mind that when we think of war and speak of war, we should not instantly think of conventional wars that we learn about in our history books or watch in news.

Every day we are in multiple wars with multiple fronts with multiple enemies, the biggest enemy being our own worldly inclinations and temptations, our own nafs or soul.  Other enemies could be (but not limited to) those who attempt to weaken our faith via multiple routes, those who offer to us the benefits of usury, those who offer to us means of gambling and drinking alcohol, those who make major sins seem insignificant, those who make what is forbidden seem permitted to us and what is permitted seem forbidden, and many more enemies.

In short, when we think of war, we must certainly step outside of conventional wars fought with jets, tanks, swords, guns, and etc.  With this in mind, we need to seek a weapon that we can always carry with us to every war, every front, against every enemy, a weapon that is always available to us, and a weapon that is better than all other weapons.

What should be the weapon of choice for a believer?

As always, the first place we look for answers, should be the commands and guidelines of God that have been revealed and explained to us through our beloved prophet and his ahlul bayt, peace be upon them all.

Let us read and always remember the following Good (but like authentic) tradition.


Arabic Texts:

عَنْهُ] عَلِيُّ بْنُ إِبْرَاهِيمَ[ عَنْ أَبِيهِ عَنِ ابْنِ أَبِي عُمَيْرٍ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ سِنَانٍ عَنْ أَبِي عَبْدِ اللَّهِ ع قَالَ الدُّعَاءُ أَنْفَذُ مِنَ السِّنَانِ الْحَدِيدِ.

Farsi Translation:

امام صادق (ع) فرمود: دعاء نافذتر است از نيزه آهنين.

English Translation:

It's narrated from him [Ali ibn Ibrahim] from his father from ibn Abu Omayr from Abdallah ibn Senan from Abu Abdallah, peace be upon him, who has said: “Supplication [dua] is more powerful than a sharp iron spear.”

Al-Kafi, Volume 2, Page 469, Tradition #7

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Being Silent

Many of us may have heard the phrase “silence is a virtue.” In this post, I will present two authentic traditions, to indicate that it really is. 

Nowadays, many of us are uncomfortable with silence.  In our daily lives we are always surrounded by noise and distractions, which on our subconscious level, make silence an unusual thing in our minds. Amongst our friends, we relate silence to either awkwardness or boredom, being silent isn’t the “fun thing” or the right thing to do. Idle talking has become the norm. Rude and impolite jokes and humour have gained social acceptance to the point that comedians gain respect and wealth from it. In short, all the audio and visual noises and distractions around us, have made us forget the value and virtue of silence.
The second tradition is especially very important for the followers of Ahlul bayt (as), the holy progeny of the prophet, peace be upon them all.

So, let us take heed and pray and supplicate to God to help us realize the value of silence once again. 
A change from being the “social butterfly” or the “cool” friend to a “boring” acquaintance, amongst your friends, may not be easy in this world, but in the eyes of God and the Ahlul bayt of His beloved prophet, peace be upon them all, this change is recommended and highly valued. 

Here are the traditions:


Arabic text:

مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَحْيَى عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ عِيسَى عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ أَبِي نَصْرٍ قَالَ قَالَ أَبُو الْحَسَنِ الرِّضَا ع مِنْ عَلَامَاتِ الْفِقْهِ الْحِلْمُ وَ الْعِلْمُ وَ الصَّمْتُ إِنَّ الصَّمْتَ بَابٌ مِنْ أَبْوَابِ الْحِكْمَةِ إِنَّ الصَّمْتَ يَكْسِبُ الْمَحَبَّةَ إِنَّهُ دَلِيلٌ عَلَى كُلِّ خَيْرٍ

Farsi Translation:

امام رضا (ع) فرمود:
از نشانه‏ هاى فهم (در دين) بردبارى و دانش و خاموشى است، به راستى خاموشى درى است از درهاى حكمت، به راستى خاموشى دوستى آورد، به راستى كه آن دليل هر خوبى است.

English Translation:

Mohammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Ahmad ibn Mohammad ibn Eissa from Ahmad ibn Mohammad ibn Abi Nasr who has said: "Abu al Hasan Al Ridha (peace be upon him) said: signs of [understanding] jurisprudence include forbearance, knowledge and silence. And silence is a door from multiple doors of wisdom. Silence leads to earning love, it's a proof that everything is good."


Arabic Text:

عَنْهُ ]مُحَمَّدُ بْنُ يَحْيَى عَنْ أَحْمَدَ بْنِ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ عِيسَى[ عَنِ الْحَسَنِ بْنِ مَحْبُوبٍ عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ سِنَانٍ عَنْ أَبِي حَمْزَةَ قَالَ سَمِعْتُ أَبَا جَعْفَرٍ ع يَقُولُ إِنَّمَا شِيعَتُنَا الْخُرْسُ

Farsi Translation:

از امام باقر (ع) كه مى‏ فرمود:
همانا شيعيان ما بى ‏زبانند.

English Translation:

He has narrated from Al Hassan ibn Mahbob from Abd-Allah ibn Senan from Abi- Hamza who has said: "I heard Abu ja'far (peace be upon him) say: our followers (Shi’a) are those who are mute [silent]."

Al-Kafi, Volume 2, Page 113, Traditions #1 & #2

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

God Almighty's Counsel to Jesus Son of Mary (Peace be upon him) ... Part III

O Jesus, humble yourself before those who do good deeds; become one of them and bear witness to them. Tell the transgressors among the children of Israel, committers and companions of evil, to desist or I shall transform them into apes and swine. O Jesus, tell the transgressors from amongst the children of Israel, at my wisdom the multitudes weep yet you laugh and forsake Me. I have shown you My evidence or do you have a safeguard against My torture or do you forsake Me to punish Me? I have created you to make of you an example to others.

O son of Maryam the virgin maiden, I commend to you My revered messenger and My beloved Ahmed of the red camel; he of the beautiful face radiant with pure light, he of the courageous heart, the venerable one, for he is a mercy to the worlds and a prince amongst the children of Adam on the day of our meeting; the most blessed of the harbingers and the messenger most beloved by Me. The honest Arab, the believer in My religion, the steadfast for My sake; he battles the pagans with his own hands for the sake of My religion. Enlighten the Children of Israel about him. Command them to believe in him and have faith in him, to follow him and champion him. 

Jesus said, “My Lord, who is he that I may seek his utmost favour?” 
God said, “He is Mohammed, the messenger of God to all the people of the world, the dearest to Me and the foremost intercessor. Blessings upon the prophet and upon his people that come to Me through him. He is praised by the people of the earth, blessed by the inhabitants of the heavens. Trustworthy, auspicious, good and pleasing, the most favoured by Me from amongst the rest. He will come at the end of times. When he goes out the heavens bow to his glory, the earth brings forth its flowers that all may see its blessings, and My blessings upon all he touches. He of the many wives and few children, he resides in Mecca the founding place of Abraham. 

O Jesus, his religion is the Abrahamic faith, his tribe is Yemeni. He walks in My company and I am with him. Blessings upon him, blessings upon him. He holds the highest rank in the gardens of Eden. He is the most generous amongst the living and he shall die a martyr. His dominion stretches from Mecca to the place where the sun rises, like basins of fragrant nectar more numerous than the stars in the sky, a sweet cup as wide as the earth filled with all nature of drink and fruits of the earth. He who sips from it shall never thirst. This is My bequest to him and such is My preference for him.

You and he are in accord; in secret, in public, in word and in deed; he commands people to follow his religion, to practice Jihad in good times and in bad. He will lead nations; the king of the Romans he will conquer in the name of the religion of Abraham. He will bless food in My name before eating it; he will spread peace; he will pray through the night while people sleep. He will uphold five daily prayers. The call to prayer will be like a call to arms; prayers will commence with My name and end with the salutation. He positions his feet in prayer as the angels position theirs, with reverence in his heart, his radiant head bowed upon his chest, his tongue uttering the word of truth. 

Truthful he has always been since he was a lost orphan for a period of time. His eyes slumber but his heart never sleeps. He is the intercessor and for his people will the Day of Judgment be held. My hand will be upon their hands. Whomsoever transgresses, transgresses against himself. Whosoever keeps the covenant, I shall keep My covenant and reward him with paradise. Command the transgressors from amongst the children of Israel to study his book and to not falsify his ways for he is the prophet of peace and holds a place of high regard.

O Jesus, all that would bring you closer to Me I have shown you; all that would distance you from Me I have forbidden. Reflect within yourself, O Jesus; worldly life is sweet and I have bestowed upon you some parts of it and forbidden others, so take what I have bestowed and allowed you. O Jesus, look at your deeds as a sinner and wrongdoer; look not at the deeds of others as a lord. Be frugal, do not desire life excessively or you shall become corrupt.

O Jesus, use your reason [Aql], think, observe throughout the ages the fate of transgressors. O Jesus, all I have described is for your guidance; My words are the truth for I am the ultimate truth. Do not disobey Me after I have informed you of your obligations to Me, for without Me you have no better champion.

O Jesus, make you heart humble with fear. Look to those who are beneath you and look not to those above you. Know that the seed of every sin and transgression is the love of worldly life; therefore, do not love it for I do not love it.

O Jesus, make your heart pleasing to Me. Make remembrance of Me in your solitude and know that I delight in your closeness to Me, and do so with eagerness and not with inattention. O Jesus, worship none other than Me and beware of Me. Be not vain about your health or become arrogant for life is but a passing shadow and as you arrive into it so do you depart. Vie to do good deeds and defend truth wherever it may be. Do not denounce Me after you have known Me, even should you be cut or burned with fire and do not be like the ignorant. For everything there is a reason. 

O Jesus, let your eyes pour tears for Me; worship Me devoutly with your heart. O Jesus, in times of hardship I succour those who are in distress and assist the oppressed for I am the Most Merciful.”

Al-Kafi, Volume 8, Page 131, Tradition #103