As Muslims, we must know and very openly acknowledge the significance of Jesus and his closeness to God Almighty. As a beloved prophet of God, Jesus would receive the commands of God, and convey them to his people.
We, as Muslims, are often quite aware about the communication between God and His beloved prophet Mohammad, peace be upon him and his holy family, however, not many of us may be aware of the communication between God and His other beloved prophet, Jesus.
In this post, I will present to you, a reliable tradition from our beloved Imams, peace be upon them, which informs us about what God said and commanded to Jesus.
It is a very long tradition, but it is beautiful and lovely to read.
I will post this wonderful tradition in multiple posts, instead of one very long post.
Lastly, since this tradition is quite long, I will only post the English version of it. I will post its source, so you could find the Arabic texts, if you are interested, and if you would prefer to read its Farsi translation, you would need to leave me your e-mail to which I could send you its Farsi translation.
I hope you enjoy reading this tradition as much as I did, and if you have any questions or comments, please do not hesitate to post a comment.
It is narrated by Ali Bin Ibrahim from his father from Ali Bin Asbat from them (peace be upon them), regarding God Almighty’s counsel to Jesus (peace be upon him):
“O Jesus! I am your Lord and the Lord of your forebears. My name is The One; I am the One God, the inimitable, the creator of all. All things are of My creation and to Me all things return. O Jesus, you are The Christ by My command. With My sanction you form living birds from clay. With My decree you raise the dead. Seek My favour and fear My wrath and in Me you shall find no better succour.
O Jesus I enjoin you, show mercy that you may be worthy of mine, and of the mandate I grant you, My favour and blessings big and small. I bear witness that you are My servant and the son of My people; take Me upon yourself as your sole concern; make My name your iteration; draw near to Me with superlative deeds; trust in Me and you shall not want [anything else]. Trust in none other and verily, I shall reward you.
O Jesus, have forbearance in the face of affliction and accept My will; strive to earn My pleasure in you, and it is My pleasure that I be obeyed and not defied. O Jesus, keep My name alive upon your tongue and love for Me in your heart.
O Jesus, be alert in times of forgetfulness and judge benevolently in My name. O Jesus, Seek My favour and fear My wrath. Fill your heart with fear of Me. O Jesus, keep vigil in the night and seek My favour; thirst in the daytime with your need for Me.
O Jesus put your effort into striving for good that you may be known for your righteousness everywhere you go. O Jesus, judge amongst My servants with My counsel; establish justice in My name. In you I have revealed a cure for the devil’s disease that lurks in the hearts of men.
O Jesus, take not as companions those who are infatuated with life [of this world]. O Jesus, verily I say to you, none in all of creation believes in Me and does not come to revere Me, none can revere Me and not crave My reward; bear witness that the likes of these are safe from My punishment for they have not changed or altered My decrees.
O Jesus, son of the virgin maiden, shed for yourself the tears of one who departs from his kinsmen and the hardships of this world, leaving it to its inhabitants; one who seeks what is with his Lord. O Jesus let this be your way, soft-spoken, an advocate of peace, ever vigilant, should the eyes of the righteous slumber, [so that] you may warn of the appointed time, of violent earthquakes and the horrors of Judgement Day when no kin, offspring or wealth will benefit.
O Jesus, darken your eyes with the shadow of grief, when the idle ones laugh. O Jesus, be steadfast and devout, for yours will be the blessed reward of the steadfast. O Jesus, detach yourself from worldly life; do not relish that from which the flavour has gone. Verily I say, you are but an hour, a day; depart this world in slippers [in comfort], make do [in this world] with coarse robes for everything is written; I see all that you have taken and used.
O Jesus, you are accountable; let your mercy for the weak be as My mercy. Beware of oppression of orphans. O Jesus, weep for yourself in solitude; direct your footsteps to the times of prayer; delight Me with remembrance of Me, for you shall earn My favour.
O Jesus, how many nations have perished by their sins, sins from which I have made you invulnerable. O Jesus, be lenient with the weak; raise your revered head to the heavens and call upon Me, for I am near. Call not upon Me except in supplication and absolute distress, for when you call on Me thus, I shall heed your prayer.
O Jesus, We would not be content to reward those who came before you nor mete out punishment upon them as revenge. O Jesus, you are mortal and I am eternal. I am the source of your sustenance, I hold the hour of your death; to Me you shall return and by Me you will be judged; call upon Me and no other; pray to Me well and I shall respond.
O Jesus, how numerous are men yet so few are patient. How abundant are the trees yet so few are fragrant. Be not tempted by the beauty of a tree until you have tasted its fruit. O Jesus, be not fooled by those who rebel against Me in defiance, eat of My sustenance and worship other gods than Me; they call to Me in times of distress and I heed their prayers, yet they revert to their previous ways, and of My wrath they shall taste, for I have vowed upon them a punishment from which they shall not be spared nor will they find refuge except in Me. Where shall they flee in My heavens or upon My earth?
O Jesus, inform the transgressors amongst the children of Israel, do not call upon Me when misfortune overwhelms you while idols fill your homes, for I have vowed to respond to their prayers with a curse and they shall be dispersed. O Jesus, long have I extended My leniency and benevolent regard yet in their ignorance they do not desist. Their mouths utter words which their hearts do not comprehend. They incur My wrath for they seek favour with the believers by feigning devoutness to Me.
O Jesus let your word be one in secret and in public, likewise your eyes and your heart. Guard your heart and tongue against what is prohibited; turn your eyes from that in which there is no goodness, for many are those who have gazed at things which planted lust in their hearts and drove them to the ranks of the damned.
O Jesus, be merciful and pray for mercy; do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Keep remembrance of death and of parting from your kinfolk. Be not frivolous for frivolity corrupts; be not negligent for he who neglects Me becomes distant from Me. Remember Me with good deeds that I may remember you.
O Jesus, repent to Me when you sin and remember Me to the penitent. Believe in Me and seek closeness to Me amongst the faithful and command them to pray to Me. Heed the supplication of the oppressed for I have pledged to open the doors of heaven to their prayers, and to respond, even if after a time.
O Jesus, know that the wrongdoer’s deeds are contagious; the evil consort corrupts; be wary of whom you consort with and choose for yourself brethren from amongst the believers. O Jesus, repent to Me; there is no sin greater than My forgiveness for I am the Most Merciful. Strive for your salvation first and foremost for no other shall strive for you. Worship Me in anticipation of a day like a thousand years in your reckoning. Verily do I reward good deeds two-fold; vie to do good works for many are the assemblies that have been spared hellfire.
O Jesus, renounce that which is perishable and non-lasting. Step through the ruins of the homes of those who lived before you, and call to them. Do you find one amongst them who replies? Take your moral from this and know that you shall follow them.
O Jesus, say to those who have rebelled against Me in defiance and committed hypocrisy, to expect My punishment and My destruction as those who have been doomed before them. Blessed are you, O son of Maryam, for you have upheld the ethics of your Lord who has graced you with His mercy and honoured you with His generous blessings. Disobey Him not in times of hardship, O Jesus, for it is not permissible for you to disobey Him. I have made My pledge to you as I have pledged those before you and I bear witness to that.
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