O Jesus, no creature have I blessed with such a faith nor graced with such clemency.
O Jesus, with water cleanse your outer self and with good deeds cleanse your inner self for you shall return unto Me. O Jesus, with blessings have I inundated you in abundance and without meagreness. I have requested a measure of your soul in return. Should you be miserly with it you shall be of the damned.
O Jesus, adorn yourself with faith and love for the poor. Walk in humility, pray in all parts of the earth thereof for they are all untainted. Rejoice, O Jesus for the time is nigh. Read My book in purity and raise your voice to Me in supplication.
O Jesus, there is no virtue in delights that do not endure nor a mortal life that does not last. O son of Maryam, if your eyes could glimpse what I have prepared for My righteous followers, your heart would melt and your life would expire with longing for it. For there is no place such as the hereafter; an abode where the righteous dwell as neighbors, visited by our closest angels. To this refuge they come, safe from the horrors of The Judgement Day, an unchanging paradise, everlasting for its dwellers.
O son of Maryam, vie for it amongst the competitors for this is the highest and best of aspirations. Blessed indeed are you, son of Maryam, that you would join your forefathers Adam and Abraham in gardens of delight from which you could desire nothing more.
Hence, join the righteous, O Jesus. Flee with those who flee the fire of roaring flames, a hellfire of shackles and chains, into which no good soul enters, and no despair exists, dark as the darkest night. He who is spared from it is saved; for the damned will not be spared, neither the toughest or most ruthless tyrants nor every coarse ruffian, nor the arrogant and vain.
O Jesus, such is the abode of those who seek it through evil intentions, the abode of transgressors. Be warned O Jesus, be knowledgeable and observant of Me and bear witness that I have created you. You are My servant; I formed you in your image and put you upon the earth.
O Jesus, two tongues cannot fit into one mouth nor two hearts within one breast. Likewise, O Jesus, the minds of men; they awaken not the disobedient nor do they alert the forgetful. Wean yourself from the lusts of mortal sins; abstain from every desire that distances you from Me. Know that you are My trustworthy herald; be warned and know that your worldly life is your path to Me. I have given you knowledge of Me. Speak of Me with humbleness and humility, and keep vigilance to Me while others sleep.
O Jesus, this is My counsel to you. Heed My guidance: I am the Lord of the worlds, O Jesus. If My servant is patient in My name, his righteous deed is rewarded and I shall heed his prayers. Likewise will I take retribution on those who disobey Me – where shall the transgressors flee from Me?
O Jesus, speak in virtuous words and be always knowing and knowledgeable. O Jesus, be generous with your good deeds that I may observe them; adhere to My counsel for it is a cure for the hearts of men. O Jesus, beware of My cunning; do not forget to utter My name in your solitude. O Jesus reward yourself by returning to Me that you may receive the recompense of the faithful who receive their just rewards, for I am the best of benefactors.
O Jesus, with My word you were created. Maryam gave birth to you at My command, revealed by My trusted herald, the angel Gabriel. Thus you stood upright and walked the earth; all of this known to Me beforehand. O Jesus, Zakariya [Zachariah], your mother’s guardian is like a father to you; he entered her sanctuary to find we had provided sustenance for her. Likewise your counterpart Yahya [John]; I created him and bestowed him upon his mother in her old age that I may demonstrate My power to her and in you demonstrate My supremacy to those who love Me the most, the most obedient and fearful of My wrath.
O Jesus, be vigilant; lose not faith in Me; praise Me with goodly words as others praise Me and make My name hallowed. O Jesus, how can My servants disbelieve in Me when their souls are in My grip? They are ignorant of My blessings and call Me an enemy; thus the disbelievers will perish. O Jesus, the world is but a fetid [rotten] prison; yet you see in it things so becoming that titans will battle each other for them. Beware of the worldly life for all of its delights are not eternal.
O Jesus, yearn for Me in your slumber and you shall find Me; call upon Me with love for I am the best Listener; I respond to the supplicant. O Jesus, fear Me and enjoin My servants to fear Me that the sinners may desist from what they do and be spared damnation. Let your terror of Me be as your terror of the wild beast and death, which you will surely face. I am the creator of all that, so fear none other than Me. O Jesus, dominion is mine. I am The King. Obey Me and you shall enter My paradise in the company of the righteous.
O Jesus, beware My wrath, for My favour and none other will benefit you. Should you win My favour no other’s wrath shall harm you. O Jesus, keep remembrance of Me and of you shall I keep remembrance of you. Keep remembrance of Me throughout the realm and so shall I make remembrance of you in a realm better than the realm of mortals. O Jesus, supplicate Me like the drowning man who has no succour.
O Jesus, do not swear on My name in vain for My throne will shake with anger. This world is short-lived while hope is eternal, and My abode is far better. O Jesus, what shall you do on the day when I reveal to you a book which utters the truth, and you yourselves bear witness to secrets you have concealed and deeds you have committed?
O Jesus, say to the transgressors amongst the children of Israel, “You have washed your faces and defiled your hearts.” Would you dare think to deceive Me? You scent yourselves with fragrance for mortals of this world while behold, your souls are like rotting carrion, as if you were a people long-dead. O Jesus, say to them, “Trim your nails of forbidden gains, stop your ears against the voices of evil and come to me with your hearts for I do not want your empty bodies.”
O Jesus, rejoice at good deeds for they are pleasing to Me and weep for sins for they are odious. Do not unto others what you would not want done unto you. Should one strike you on the right cheek give him your left. Seek closeness to Me with loving deeds and distance yourself from the ignorant.
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